The Dark Art of Sean M. Palfrey est.d 2007

Top Albums of 2021

Top Albums of 2021

As I’ve said before… It’s a hard habit to break when you’ve been a music journalist. End of year lists and top tens always end up invading your mind at some point, and last year I didn’t really do one. I had been planning on doing this as...
Vlog 21: Yule Tidings 2

Vlog 21: Yule Tidings 2

A short Yule update from myself to you. Tenderness of Wolves: Buy my art ‘zine here:   Please like, subscribe, and check out my links below…...
The Tenderness of Wolves – Demo:MMXX Released

The Tenderness of Wolves – Demo:MMXX Released

Today I’ve released the first demo recordings from my new musical project The Tenderness of Wolves (yes, that is a reference to the track by Coil). This is the first music I’ve attempted to make in over a decade, and the first serious attempt in a solo...
Top 20 albums of 2019

Top 20 albums of 2019

It’s a hard habit to break when you’ve been a music journalist. Lists and top tens always end up invading your mind at some point. But it is the end of year roundup that is the most difficult to resist. With that in mind, here is my top 20 of 2019 in no...
Vlog 5 – RIP Intravenous Magazine 2013-19

Vlog 5 – RIP Intravenous Magazine 2013-19

My first vlog of 2019 is a sad one for me in which I elaborate on what I hinted at in my last vlog – my reasons for ending Intravenous Magazine. The site is still there though so you can still check out the six years worth of hard work at...