Vlog 2 – Horrorcon 2018

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GYJMDvrjXU]Wherin Debz and I take a trip to Horrorcon at Magna Adventure Centre in Rotherham (https://www.horrorconuk.com/). And a quick behind the scenes for Debz's shoot with Horrify Me. A great day, lots of cool costumes, rare horror merch, celebrities and activites as usual. Just...

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Vlog 1 – Behind The Scenes at Temple Bruer

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mO_4jGQiA8]Just a quick look behind the scenes of a ghostly shoot I did with Deborah de Vil (www.deborahdevil.co.uk) at Temple Bruer - a medieval Knights Templar preceptory church (and later belonging to the Knights Hospitallers) in Lincolnshire. You can read a bit more about...

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