The Dark Art of Sean M. Palfrey est.d 2007

Top Albums of 2021

Top Albums of 2021

As I’ve said before… It’s a hard habit to break when you’ve been a music journalist. End of year lists and top tens always end up invading your mind at some point, and last year I didn’t really do one. I had been planning on doing this as...
The Tenderness of Wolves – Demo:MMXX Released

The Tenderness of Wolves – Demo:MMXX Released

Today I’ve released the first demo recordings from my new musical project The Tenderness of Wolves (yes, that is a reference to the track by Coil). This is the first music I’ve attempted to make in over a decade, and the first serious attempt in a solo...
Vlog 16: Occult Box – Unboxing

Vlog 16: Occult Box – Unboxing

  I decided to delve into the archives and revisit the Cleopatra Records’ Occult Box’. This was a limited edition of 666 box set containing 5 CDs of occult themed gothic, darkwave, ambient, and witch house music that also featured a 7″ vinyl...