The Dark Art of Sean M. Palfrey est.d 2007

As a few people will have noticed I’ve tried to be much more active on Instagram and YouTube in the previous month. Not only is this because I actually had some new video content to reveal, but also that it seems that my work tends to get a little more interest at this time of year – infra-red, ghostly effects, spooky fashion and satanic overtones, can’t think why everyone prefers that in October!

However, it has been interesting for me to see just what kind of images have been capturing most people’s attention. The few below especially have surprised me, partly because I convince myself that my work is too niche and not as higher standard as perhaps I’d like due to my non-existent shooting budgets. Sometimes I second-guess myself when it comes to my work, perhaps all artists do, particularly when it’s work that has been around for a while. Yet, a new upload of something from a few years ago suddenly gets a heap of praise, after mentally I’ve moved on and thought I can do better than this now.

Anyway, here are a few of the ones that have had the most love this past month:

DiabolisVestaratrix3-Stigmata-Preview Indrija28-low LamentByCandlelight13-low SONY DSC PaganPriestess7-low PaganPriestess8-low SolitaryWitch1-Low TheSilentVoice1-low TheWhisperer-Low VVitches26Preview FolkWitch5-Mono-low VVitches30Preview Indrija8-low TheDruidess1











I have to say, trying to get something uploaded everyday and gauging the reactions has helped me refocus on some things in my work and made me want to explore more in these styles again.