The Dark Art of Sean M. Palfrey est.d 2007

Top 20 albums of 2019

Top 20 albums of 2019

It’s a hard habit to break when you’ve been a music journalist. Lists and top tens always end up invading your mind at some point. But it is the end of year roundup that is the most difficult to resist. With that in mind, here is my top 20 of 2019 in no...
Paintings update

Paintings update

A very short and sweet update just to let those who are interested know that I finally got round to properly photographing a selection of my paintings and have now added them to the paintings page! I will be making selected prints available through my red bubble shop...
Imago Mortis Merchandise

Imago Mortis Merchandise

A timely reminder to everyone out there that enjoys my artwork that I have items for sale in my Red-Bubble print on demand shop. This includes Clothing, Phone and Tablet Cases, Wall Art, Home Decor, Accessories, Stationary, Bags, Stickers and more! All this helps to...
Vlog 12: Halloween Shopping

Vlog 12: Halloween Shopping

Debz and I take a trip to our local HomeSense shop to have a look at this years range of Halloween items… or as we like to call them, all year round decor. Check out what we found. More vlogs coming soon as well as more short fashion films and horror tests so...
Massive Site Update – Sept 2019

Massive Site Update – Sept 2019

Hello everyone!   I finally buckled down and gave the site a huge update adding pages with galleries for my photography, films, design, and bone art. As well as place-holder pages for my paintings and the forthcoming book-zine ‘Book of Shadows’. My...