I’ve been working with a brilliant band for some stuff for their upcoming album including some creepy satanic looking footage for a music video. For this, myself and Debz went to St. Boltoph’s church near Skidbrooke in Lincolnshire. It’s a deconsecrated church in the middle of nowhere that according to wikipedia (yes, that most reliable of sources):
“Over the years, rumours of paranormal activity and reported sightings of ghosts in the church have attracted ghost hunters and Satanists to the premises. Periodically, evidence has been found of occult ceremonies; remains of animal sacrifices have been left in the church, candles and fires have been lit, and pentagrams and other symbols painted on the stonework.”
Basically we had to go there as it fit the theme of the video, especially as I was taking my inspiration from the lyrics of the song as well as the late Ken Russell’s seminal film ‘The Devils’.
You may recognise the location as well from one of my older shorts ‘Invocation’. Anyway, check out the video and hopefully I’ll be able to share the final music video with you all in the near future!
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