The Dark Art of Sean M. Palfrey est.d 2007

Apocryphal Fungi – Now Available!

Apocryphal Fungi – Now Available!

‘Apocryphal Fungi’ Now available to buy! ‘Apocryphal Fungi’ is a book  composed of a photo-essay of surreal and painterly photomanipulations of British woodland fungi. The premise of which, explores the mystical and magical uses of various fungi types throughout human...
Apocryphal Fungi

Apocryphal Fungi

‘Apocryphal Fungi’ is a book project that I’m currently working on that will be composed of a photo-essay of surreal and painterly photomanipulations of British woodland fungi. The premise of which, explores the mystical and magical uses of various...
Book of Shadows Vol, 2. Released

Book of Shadows Vol, 2. Released

Now available to buy! An ongoing ‘zine anthology of the photographic and artistic works of UK dark artist Imago Mortis (AKA Sean M. Palfrey). Volume 2 contains a selection of paintings from recent years that reflect the personal concept “Art is Dead | Death is Art”. I...
Merry Krampus

Merry Krampus

A short film by Sean M. Palfrey for Unwonted Apparel Starring Deborah Mortis, wearing the ‘Don’t Kramp My Style’ Activewear Set Horns made by me. Music: ‘Satanic Panic’ by Tenderness of Wolves...
New film: ‘The Gods of Albion’

New film: ‘The Gods of Albion’

‘The Gods of Albion’ A Short Film by Sean M. Palfrey A metaphor… Filmed in Infrared (a wavelength of light invisible to the human eye), on a specially converted compact camera, in locations across Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. The natural and the...