The Dark Art of Sean M. Palfrey est.d 2007

Book of Shadows Vol, 2. Released

Book of Shadows Vol, 2. Released

Now available to buy! An ongoing ‘zine anthology of the photographic and artistic works of UK dark artist Imago Mortis (AKA Sean M. Palfrey). Volume 2 contains a selection of paintings from recent years that reflect the personal concept “Art is Dead | Death is Art”. I...
Paintings update

Paintings update

A very short and sweet update just to let those who are interested know that I finally got round to properly photographing a selection of my paintings and have now added them to the paintings page! I will be making selected prints available through my red bubble shop...
Looking for video collaborations

Looking for video collaborations

This year will be the year of manic creativity. I’m throwing myself into a lot of creative directions and one major part is to continue to develop my short films. I’ve got three under my belt from last year – ‘Wiccecraft’, ‘The...
October 2018 in review

October 2018 in review

As a few people will have noticed I’ve tried to be much more active on Instagram and YouTube in the previous month. Not only is this because I actually had some new video content to reveal, but also that it seems that my work tends to get a little more interest...
Hello Cruel World!

Hello Cruel World!

This is the semi-working version of the new website. The server it is currently on is experiencing technical problems hence the slow loading times. Please be patient though. Once these issues are addressed I will finish the site off so it will contain a full portfolio...